Love Your Beloved by Kawsar Ahamed

Love Your Beloved
Kawsar Ahamed

Love your beloved
Your time is limited.
No place is restricted
Love your beloved.

Hold her hands stiffly
As no one can mangle,
Hug her smoothly
As no one can scale.
Love your beloved
Your time is limited.

Admire her beauty
She’ll be happy.
Don’t be a guilty
Show your nobility.
Love your beloved
Your time is limited.
Two souls make one

Love has no line.
Love your beloved
Your time is limited.

True love never dies
True love never talks lies.
Feel her closing your eyes
She’ll never disguise,
And time flies naturally
Osculate her regularly.
Your time is limited
Love your beloved.

Long distance doesn’t make break up
What silence does.
Be a garrulous to close up
And never forget to buss.

Love your beloved
Your time is limited.
Never give up
As long as your time is up

Published on: Literary Horizon
An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
Vol. 1, Issue 1 February 2021

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What is the poem?

A poem is a form of literary expression that uses rhythm, imagery, and figurative language to convey emotions, ideas, or experiences. Poems can take many forms, such as sonnets, haikus, free verse, and ballads. They can explore a wide range of topics, from nature and love to politics and social issues. Poems can be written in any language, and they have been an important part of human culture for thousands of years, serving as a means of communication, artistic expression, and storytelling.


How to write a poem?

Writing a poem can be a wonderful creative exercise that allows you to express yourself in a unique and meaningful way. Here are some general steps to help you get started:

  1. Choose a topic: Consider what you want your poem to be about. It could be a personal experience, a feeling, a place, a person, or anything else that inspires you.
  2. Choose a form: Decide on the structure of your poem. Will it rhyme? Will it have a particular meter or rhythm? Or will it be free verse? Consider what form will best suit the topic and tone of your poem.
  3. Brainstorm: Jot down any ideas that come to mind about your chosen topic. Don’t worry about making it perfect or even coherent at this point. Just let your ideas flow.
  4. Write a draft: Start putting your ideas into a rough draft. Don’t worry about making it perfect yet. Just focus on getting your thoughts onto paper.
  5. Revise and edit: Once you have a draft, read it over and make any necessary changes. Consider the flow, the wording, and the overall tone. You may need to revise several times before you are happy with the final result.
  6. Share and receive feedback: Show your poem to someone you trust and ask for their feedback. Consider their suggestions and make any necessary changes.

Remember, writing a poem is a personal and subjective process. There is no right or wrong way to write a poem. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the creative process!


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