IELTS Speaking Lesson about Business People

In the dynamic world of business, effective communication skills play a pivotal role in success. One aspect of language proficiency that often comes under scrutiny is the ability to engage in spoken discourse. In this blog post, we delve into an IELTS Speaking lesson focusing on the theme of business people, examining the key vocabulary, tips, and sample questions that may appear in the test.

Read more: IELTS Speaking Band 9 Conversation and Tips

What are the different IELTS Speaking Business or Entrepreneur questions you will get in the test?

In this free IELTS Speaking lesson, you will learn lots of vocabulary, collocations and idioms to help you talk fluently and answer these questions confidently.

IELTS Speaking vocabulary: Business people

Business is a very wide topic and an important one in IELTS Speaking. In this lesson we will focus on business people, in particular entrepreneurs.

Here are some useful words to talk about business people

Businessman (sing.)

Businessmen (pl.)

Business woman (sing.)

Business women (pl).

An entrepreneur (n.)  = a person who sets up their own business

A solopreneur (n.) = an entrepreneur working alone

A youpreneur = an entrepreneur who uses their name as a brand

business Tycoon (n.) = a rich and influential business person in their industry

business magnate = a rich and influential business person in their industry

A founder = the person who created a company

A co-founder = one of 2 or more people who created a company

In a company or business there are many names for people in high-level management positions, including the following.

  • An executive = a person with a leadership position in a company / business or firm
  • CEO = Chief Executive Officer
  • COO = Chief Operating Officer
  • MD = Managing Director
Bsuiness People ielts

Describing Entrepreneurs

When we describe people, there are different ways of expressing out opinion, such as 

In my opinion, ______

As far as I’m concerned,_______

The way I see it, ______

So we can make a sentence like the following, and then add different adjectives or a noun.

In my opinion, entrepreneurs need to be passionate.”

The way I see it, an entrepreneur needs to be a visionary”

As far as I’m concerned, entrepreneurs need to have a vision”

Here are some common adjectives we can use to describe entrepreneurs.

  • Passionate
  • Persistent / determined / hard-working
  • Creative / innovative
  • Honest / fair / ethical
  • Positive / proactive / fearless

Find more adjectives to describe entrepreneurs here.

More expressions 

  • To have a vision = to have a view of the world I want to make real
  • To lead from the front = to set the example and lead
  • A bad leader will lead from behind = not setting the example

IELTS Speaking topic: How to set up a business

Here is some key vocabulary to talk about setting up or starting a business. To set up = to start or begin (a business, a project, a company) To set up a start up (= a new business/company) To found a business ( = to establish, begin) To launch a business ( = to establish, begin) To start a business from scratch (= to start with nothing and from the beginning) To start a business from square one  (=from the beginning)

How does someone set up a business? What are the key steps they should take? 

Here are some ideas below. The order may change slightly, but this will give you some ideas, and useful collocations.

  1. Get a groundbreaking / outstanding idea
  2. Find out customer and market needs / do some market research
  3. Make / write a business plan / decide on a business model
  4. Find investment / capital / money
    (e.g. network, get a loan from a bank, get an ‘angel’ investor)
  1. Create your brand / product and service
  2. Find a place / location / platform
  3. Hire employees / create a team
  4. Open shop / start working
  5. Do some marketing / do some advertising / sell your product or service

Different Business models

  • B to B  (wholesale = selling to companies)
  • B to C (retail = selling directly to the customer)
  • Online selling
  • One-off payment
  • Monthly subscription model
how to set up your business

IELTS Speaking discussions: Which entrepreneur do you look up to and why?

Here are some answers to this question. Notice the ideas and collocations.

  • Ratan Tata because he always gives back to the community.
  • I look up to the online small business entrepreneurs who have seized a wonderful opportunity 
  • really admire Jack Ma who is a Chinese business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He also is the co-founder of the Alibaba Group.
  • respect Bill Gates, because he is a great philanthropist and funds many scientific projects.
  • I look up to Elon musk because I am interested in astronomy
  • have a lot of time for Mark Zuckerberg because he transferred our social lives from the real world to the virtual world.

Find out about more famous entrepreneurs and what we can learn from them.

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Great questions leaders should be asking employees

We often think of entrepreneurs as leading from the front, having a clear vision and just telling everybody what to do. 

However, some of the best entrepreneurs are great listeners, and they have a talent for asking good questions. Somebody once said, 

“If you want to get a good answer, then ask a great question.”

Many entrepreneurs pay heed to this advice. Here are some great questions that leaders could and should be asking their employees, to make their business even better.

How can I help you?

What do you think?

What have you learnt today?

How can we better serve our customers?

Read more about great questions for leaders here

IELTS Speaking idioms about business people

Come up with an idea = to create (an idea)

Leaders need to come up with great ideas

To build a company from the ground up = to create a company from the beginning and make it bigger

Mark built his online business from the ground up

Get / have experience under your belt = have a lot of experience (in my life)

You are fresh out of university, you should accept that job offer, just to get some experience under your belt

To see/look at the bigger picture = to understand the big strategy (not focus on the details) 

To not be able to see the wood for the trees = to focus on the details (and miss the big picture)

Some employees can’t see the wood for the trees, that’s why the leader need to see the bigger picture

To go back to the drawing board = try, fail and then begin again (company, project, product)

Well, that product didn’t sell well at all, we need to go back to the drawing board.

IELTS Business topic


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