How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

What is a Letter of Recommendation?

Guidelines for writing a good LOR: What to mention and what not.

While applying for various universities abroad, you may have heard a lot about something called the letter of recommendation, but what is it? Just as the name says, a letter of recommendation, is a letter that recommends a student, employee, colleague or co-worker.  It is also called as a letter of reference or LOR in short. When issued to a student, this letter helps the admission committee to know and understand more about the applicant. Needless to say, this is a great tool to showcase the positives and most impactful information about the applicant from the eyes of their supervisor/mentor/superior/guide/faculty.

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The LOR needs to be short, crisp and to the point to have the best impact. Remember, it is a separate letter and should never be mixed with a Resume. This is the most important reason why applicants may face rejection or refusals. But what is a good LOR?

How to write a good LOR?

There are few guidelines and points to be kept in mind while writing a letter of recommendation. These guidelines help the admissions committee to get a detailed insight on the applicant and the relevance of the recommendation. So when you ask anyone to write a recommendation for you, ensure it contains the following elements:

  1. A brief explanation about their relationship with you. The letter should mention about how long have they known you and in what capacity have you interacted –advisor, mentor, faculty, teacher, supervisor or colleague.
  2. An emphasis on the observation being direct or indirect. It always has a positive impact if the observations were direct as that gives a clear understanding of the extent of interaction. For example, working directly is important and adds more value than being known through someone and having worked together remotely. Things like “I know her/him and observed them while working in a group headed by Mr. Y”. In this, the recommender only observed you working in another group led by someone else who is actually not writing the recommendation.
  3. LOR should carry a very accurate assessment of your eligibility and suitability for the course/program/study. Emphasis should be more on suitability rather than the recommender sounding more of like an advocate. For example, the recommender should mention how you fared in class about a relative course of interest/ rank position like top 3 or top 1% of the class/university.
  4. A recommendation letter should never mention any grades or scores of competitive tests unless required to interpret some academic details. These are already mentioned in your application and repeating them in an LOR is a big No.
  5. Any private or sensitive information on you should be included only if it has any relevance or unless considered absolutely necessary.
  6. The recommendation letter should mention about the qualities and unique contributions that you would bring to the university – what positive changes, impact and new learning would you be able to contribute towards. Comparison information helps strengthen your LOR if its provided with examples of true context and has a rationale for the comparison. For instance, a mention about how many among the ‘X’ number students in a class taught by the recommender, you, the applicant, stood out (with examples of initiatives taken by you.)

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Always remember!

In a nutshell, the best recommendation letter comes from someone who agrees freely and is not forced to write. For instance, what’s the point in getting someone to write a recommendation who is short of time, too busy and ends up writing 50 words instead of 200- 250 words? A vague, messed up and hastily written letter is worse than writing nothing. A recommendation should come from someone who has the authority and designation, which would add weightage to the letter. Thus, be very wise when choosing someone to write you a recommendation letter.

Many a times an applicant gets the recommendation done by someone whom they’ve had the rapport and ease to work with rather than someone who is a tough mentor and difficult to work with. Therefore, it is important that you have a detailed meeting prior and mention the need of recommendation letter before putting a formal request for the same. A brief note, synopsis on the course and interest should be well known to the recommender before writing your letter of recommendation. Just ensure that you provide with clear and accurate dates of association.

As a well-written constructive recommendation letter goes a long way in helping your application get through. If you need any guidance regarding your letter of recommendation, feel free to reach out to our counsellors who are more than willing to help you out.

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Writing an Effective LOR for Higher Studies

A well-written Letter of Recommendation (LOR) can greatly enhance your application for higher studies. It provides valuable insights into your abilities and potential for success. Whether you’re writing or requesting an LOR, follow these concise tips to create a compelling letter.


  1. Build a Strong Relationship: Establish a solid relationship with the person you’re recommending. Knowing them well enables you to write a personalized and authentic letter.
  2. Understand the Requirements: Review the institution’s guidelines and formatting preferences to tailor your letter accordingly. Address the key points expected by the recipient.
  3. Highlight Relevant Qualities: Focus on the candidate’s academic performance, research skills, critical thinking abilities, and notable achievements. Use specific examples to illustrate their potential for success.
  4. Provide Context: Offer background information about the candidate’s experiences and challenges they’ve overcome. This helps the reader understand their unique perspective and value.
  5. Structure the LOR: Use a formal salutation and introduction. In the body, provide examples and anecdotes showcasing the candidate’s strengths. Conclude by summarizing their potential and expressing confidence.
  6. Avoid Generic Statements: Support your claims with specific details and evidence. Avoid generic or clichéd phrases to make your letter stand out.
  7. Maintain Professionalism: Use a positive and enthusiastic tone while staying professional throughout the letter. Avoid casual language or exaggerated claims.
  8. Proofread and Edit: Carefully proofread the letter for errors and edit for clarity and coherence. An error-free LOR enhances your credibility.
  9. Seek Feedback: Share the draft with the candidate for input and consider seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors to refine your letter.


Conclusion: Writing an effective LOR for higher studies requires attention to detail and a strong understanding of the candidate’s abilities. By following these concise tips, you can create a compelling letter that increases their chances of securing admission to their desired institution. An impactful recommendation opens doors to exciting opportunities and shapes the future of aspiring students.


Sample/ Template of LOR for Higher Study

[Your Name]

[Your Position/Title]

[Your Institution/Organization]


[City, State, ZIP]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position/Title] [Name of Institution/Organization] [Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to provide a strong recommendation for [Candidate’s Name] for their application to [Name of Program/Institution]. I have had the pleasure of knowing [Candidate’s Name] for [duration] in my role as [Your Position/Title] at [Your Institution/Organization].

During my time working with [Candidate’s Name], I have been thoroughly impressed by their exceptional academic abilities and unwavering dedication to their studies. [He/She] consistently achieved outstanding grades in [specific courses] and demonstrated exceptional research skills in [mention specific research projects]. [Candidate’s Name]’s intellectual curiosity and passion for learning are truly commendable.

What sets [Candidate’s Name] apart is [his/her] exceptional critical thinking abilities and problem-solving skills. [He/She] consistently displays a deep understanding of complex concepts and effectively applies them in practical situations. I have witnessed [him/her] tackle challenging assignments and projects with remarkable diligence and creativity, always striving for excellence.

Moreover, [Candidate’s Name] possesses remarkable interpersonal skills and is an excellent team player. [He/She] has consistently exhibited strong leadership qualities and the ability to collaborate effectively with diverse groups. [His/Her] ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and concisely is truly impressive.

Beyond academic achievements, [Candidate’s Name] has demonstrated remarkable personal qualities that make [him/her] an exceptional candidate for [Name of Program/Institution]. [He/She] exhibits strong initiative, a strong work ethic, and a genuine passion for [chosen field]. [His/Her] ability to handle pressure and meet deadlines while maintaining a positive attitude is exemplary.

Based on my experience and observations, I am confident that [Candidate’s Name] has the necessary skills, drive, and intellectual curiosity to excel in [Name of Program/Institution]. I have no doubt that [he/she] will make significant contributions to the academic community and thrive in their chosen field.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend [Candidate’s Name] for [Name of Program/Institution]. [His/Her] outstanding academic achievements, intellectual abilities, strong interpersonal skills, and personal qualities make [him/her] an exceptional candidate. I believe that [Candidate’s Name] has the potential to excel and make a significant impact in [his/her] future endeavors.

Should you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for considering my recommendation.


[Your Name]

[Your Position/Title]

[Your Institution/Organization]

In this modern era , you can write your LOR with the help of AI like ChatGpt


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