All About IELTS for Beginners

IELTS = International English Language Testing System is a standardized test to verify your proficiency in the English language. You can show your charisma in English by participating in any of the two types of IELTS based on your needs.

Two types of IELTS

General Training Version: For purposes other than education, such as immigration, employment, etc., the General Training version will be required.

Academic version: For those whose first language is not English, they all need either TOEFL or Academic IELTS scores to be admitted to a university in an English-dominant country. A few years ago, many American universities did not accept IELTS scores for language skills, but now all universities accept IELTS. So, if IELTS seems more familiar to you than TOEFL, feel free to take IELTS preparation.

In this article, we will only know about the academic version of IELTS


Four sections – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The first three sections follow the order, the problem is with speaking. Since the speaking section is interview style (see details below), everyone cannot be timed together. Dates can be read on any day within seven consecutive days before the remaining three section exams (ie, if the remaining three section exams are on the 15th, then between the 8th and the 22nd).

IELTS Test Format

                                   1. Listening section

Four lectures or conversations will be played for you, and you will have to write draft answers as you listen. You will be informed before the lecture or conversation starts, who is going to talk about what. There is some time available here so that you can have a quick glance at the upcoming questions. The audios are arranged in this order, the first being the easiest, the last being the most difficult.

There will be a total of forty questions on four audios, the audios will be over within thirty minutes. Listen to the audio and write down the possible answers to each question. In several questions of IELTS, there are instructions, NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS or NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. There is no need to think so much while writing possible answers. After the end of the audio, ten more minutes will be available to transfer the answers to the answer sheet, then edit them as per the instructions. Doing this kind of editing while the audio is running is likely to rush the answer to the next question.

There are roughly six types of questions in the listening section. To facilitate the discussion we listen (I mean, read) an imaginary discussion..

Suppose a person calls a cellphone customer care to report a problem. You are listening to a conversation between the person with the problem and the customer care manager. There was a happy and sad talk between them for a long time. For example, first asking for the name, asking for the phone number, what kind of bamboo the customer has eaten, since when he has been eating this kind of bamboo, how many times a week the pain is felt, etc. Later, Lakshmi Sona did not cry, and the discussion ended by giving a solution.

Types of IELTS Listening Questions

MCQ- Select the correct answer. Choose one or more correct answers as per instructions. Remember, while transferring to the answer sheet, only the letter indicating the correct answer should be written, not the entire answer. For example, how many times a week does the pain occur, if its options are-
a. once b. twice c. three times d. ten times
And if the correct answer is 10 times (how come there is a bat left?) then only D should be written in the answer sheet, TEN TIMES cannot be written. If you write, then 000

Short Answer Question – Short answer should be given in three words or numbers

Sentence Completion- Fill in the blanks, NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBER rules apply

Filling up a Table/Form/Note/Flow Chart/Summary – You have a form, where some information is missing. For example, the victim has a name, but no phone number. What is the bamboo, it is in that form, but since when he eats it or how many times a week he eats it, these are not there. You should write them down as you listen. If the information is in different categories, then the whole can come in table form. Or if a process is being discussed, it may come in the form of a flow chart. A summary of the entire conversation may come with some gaps.

Labeling a Diagram/Map- A map or a picture of an instrument will be given and the audio will describe the map or instrument. Certain parts of the map or instrument will be marked. Mark the remaining places on the map after listening to the description.

Matching- Match between two sets of information in two columns. For such questions, the time available before the start of the audio should be well thought out.

                                          2. Reading section

There will be a total of forty questions on three passages, and all questions must be answered within 1 hour. In addition to the type of questions that come in the listening section, two more types of questions come in the reading section.

Types of IELTS Reading Questions

Choosing Suitable Paragraph Headings- I think there were five paragraphs in the passage. Each paragraph should be given a title. Assume there are seven total options from a to g. Remember, only the letter of the option should be written in the answer sheet, not the full title. For example, if the title of the first paragraph is in option C then just write C.

True/False/Not Given or Yes/No/Not Given – some statements will be given. If it is true according to the text of the passage, then write True/Yes, if it is false then write False/No. If the passage does not say whether the statement is true or false, then write NOT GIVEN.

                3. Writing section

Two essays are to be written within one hour.

Task 1- A figure/graph or diagram or table will be given, which should be described. A minimum of 150 words should be written, within 20 minutes. In my opinion, 200 words is the standard. I wanted to write a full note about it.

Task 2- In straight Bengali, expression expansion. GRE’s Issue Task or TOEFL’s Independent Task is exactly like this. To know more about this, go here, Analytical Writing. In my opinion, a little over 300 words is best.

             4. Speaking section

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The Total Speaking section of IELTS is divided into three parts-

Interview- Come, sit, what is the situation, what is the commotion, such general conversation will be. It may ask the description of the city you live in. What you do, what your hobbies are can be discussed. I named this session, Khoshgalp Session; Just having a cup of tea would do.

Topic card- Here some cards will be given in front of you, each card will have a topic. You will be given 1 minute to think about that topic, followed by 2 minutes to speak. In my opinion, prepare only the first line or two instead of trying to prepare the whole speech while thinking. For the rest, just think about what to say. If the first line comes out fluently, the rest will follow.

Discussion- There will be some discussion on what was said in the topic card session. They may want to know a little more details about a particular line of your speech.


Each section will be given a score between 1 and 9. Again, the scores of the four sections are added and averaged, which is called the Band Score – its scale is also the same, between 1 and 9. Band score increases by half, ie 6, 6.5, 7. If the average of four sections becomes 6.75, then it is rounded off and made 7. Most universities require a 6.5 to apply.

1) Registration Form for registration, go to this link, download>print>fill the form and go to the British Council with money or sit there and fill it. Registration is not possible without passport.

2) It costs 14,800  tk to take the exam once. ( Fee dependens)

3) Write your score on page 7 of the registration form to which university you want to send your score. The British Council does the sending of scores for a fixed fee.

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